Cast your votes! 2013 BvH Annual Awards are here…

The BvH Committee has made its nominations for the 2013 BvH Annual Awards (you can see them here). In addition, there are 2 awards for which all members of Bournville Harriers can make nominations. Those awards are:

BvH Club Members’ Award
Voted by club members and awarded to the club member who has made a real difference to the club or your running experience in the past 12 months. They may have offered excellent advice, motivated and guided you and have worked tirelessly for the club, inspired you through their actions or performances or simply been there at hand to offer support.  (Club members must nominate the person of their choice and give their reason(s) for doing so).

BvH Coaching Award
Voted by Club members and awarded to the member who has provided coaching and/or guidance and support for runners in their personal development within the Club.

Please make your nominations by sending an email to Sue Ward (BvH Vice Chair) at by Friday, 22 February at the latest. Alternatively, you can fill in this voting slip and pass it to Chris or Sue on a club night.

Criteria for all of the BvH awards can be found here. A list of all active BvH coaches and assistant coaches can be found below.

Current BvH coaches/assistant coaches:
Steve Atkinson
John Barry
Gareth Cadd
Nicola Cumley
James Gittins
Mick James
Kevin Oakes
Alan Orr
Mike Scotney
Sue Ward