Birmingham Men’s XC League – REMINDER

Men’s cross country Team Captain, Rob Andrew, invites all BvH Men to race at the important Birmingham League cross country fixtures..

I would like to request all BvH Men to make themselves available for the forthcoming cross country league races which starts on Saturday 12th November at Leamington Spa.

The Birmingham & District Invitation Cross Country League has been in existence since 1925 and is regarded as one of the strongest XC leagues in the country and has a great Harrier tradition with the likes of Tipton, Birchfield, Coventry Godiva and more recently Birmingham University and Loughborough Students.

Last year, we were promoted as champions of Division 2 (also with Royal Sutton Coldfield and Cannock & Stafford), into Division 1 and our aim for this season is to remain in the top division. This is a very realistic objective only with the help of you and other members.

The 4 League races, this season, the Club would like you to commit to are:
12th  November – Leamington (BvH Ladies racing at the same venue).
3rd    December – Cofton Park (hosted by Bournville Harriers).
14th  January – Coventry.
11th  February – Cheltenham (BvH Ladies racing at the same venue).

Over the last 12 months we have strengthened our team with new members but the important thing is for us to have as many members running on the day, regardless of where you finish.

It’s not just being in the counting 6 for the team.  There are A and B team competitions and we have the potential to get up to 50 BvH Men running on the day and for every place you finish in front of another runner, it’s pushing counting runners from other clubs behind us.

The first race at Leamington is a special event as it brings together the 3 divisions of the league together with the potential to have up to 1000 runners in the race.

The other very special reason is it’s also the same venue for the Midland Women’s XC League where the BvH Ladies will be competing, so there will be a fantastic Club atmosphere.

On behalf of the Club, I would like to ask you to confirm your intention to run at Leamington on the 12th and also for the 3 other XC League events.

Please email me

I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you in ‘Teal’ at Leamington on the 12th November..

3 Replies to “Birmingham Men’s XC League – REMINDER”

  1. if you need a lift or if you are bringing your own car and can give others a lift please meet at the Rowheath Pavilion at 11.45am

  2. I am unable to be at the 1st League Race at Leamington due to unavoidable work commitments elsewhere. However,I would urge my fellow runners at BvH to makea special effort to be at Leamington,either as a participant in the Race or as a supporter. The Leamington Race will be a very special occasion for us to `showcase` BvH.Not only do we have all the divisions of the League together,but we also have the Midlands Womens XC League competing as well.It will almost certainly be a wonderful celebration of running.And everyone can play their part. Barrie Roberts

  3. Rob hope everyone rallies behind you but as discussed I’m out for the foreseeable future.

    I’ve pencilled in a xc race up north on 27 Dec but that is only to run with my brother and will be at a gentle pace! Might be able to make one of the 2012 xc races