PowerPoint slides now available on ‘Nutrition and the use of Aloe Vera’ – by Kevin Oakes

For those that missed Kevin’s talk on Nutrition and the use of Aloe Vera, please feel free to view his PowerPoint slides here.

The talk was held on Thursday July 25th, 8:30pm

This free talk was for BvH members and covered pre-race meals, carb in-take and the amount of calories each athlete will need to sustain weight and energy. In addition, the benefits of Aloe Vera were discussed along with the offer of free samples and the opportunity to purchase products for those interested.

Kevin Oakes is a keen runner and member of Bournville Harriers where he is the Coaching Coordinator. Kevin has a level 3 personal trainer qualification, has completed the nutrition course as part of this, and is also a UK Athletics level 2 endurance running coach. He is also a supplier of Aloe Vera nutritional products.

6 Replies to “PowerPoint slides now available on ‘Nutrition and the use of Aloe Vera’ – by Kevin Oakes”

  1. Thanks Kevin for taking the time and effort to share your knowledge with us. I shall go a bit easier on the caffeine now for one thing! Such a great idea having these informative talks -and very much appreciated they are too. Well done!

  2. Thankyou Kevin for a very informative presentation. I picked up a lot of useful information from it. I shall try out some of your recommendations. And to be honest, I know I eat a fairly balanced diet, but i am sure I do not get quite enough of the essential vitamins and minerals my poor body craves. (and i certainly dont plan on eating 6xpieces of smelly mackeral on a daily basis to get my omega3…. lol!!?) So I might just add in a few supplements, thanks again, very useful and helpful…..I shall spread my new found wisdom!!!….

  3. The label on one of Kevin`s free samples made this observation,and although it may be stating the `blindingly obvious`,I think it is worthy of note:

    This product is in no way a substitute to 1) Eating a balanced diet, and 2) Leading a healthy life-style.

  4. Thats all very well, but if some one could tell me a better way to get sticky hands… mid race… I would like to know… we can’t all carry a jar of treacle* around with us… you try opening one, in the heat of the battle, etc etc etc

    * But if you insist, make sure it’s a plastic jar (preferably biodegradable)… think of the kiddies, etc etc etc.

  5. Thanks for the power points; I was unable to attend on the day and have found the slides very informative.

    I have a question for Kevin or anyone else who was present.

    In relation to advising that energy gels should not be used, why should they be avoided and what quantity/frequency of jelly babies/energy blocks should be used instead?

    Many thanks,

  6. Thankyou for your interesting,informative and thought provoking talk Kevin. Clearly,what we eat and drink impacts on our general health and well-being, irrespective of whether we are Olympic hopefuls or not. As a teenager I well remember a HEC poster with the slogan:-