Mark Lynock will be running 10 marathons in 10 days in May as part of the Brathay Challenge.
Mark is looking for sponsorship at http://www.justgiving.com/Mark-Lynock
Performance – Participation – Encouragement – Enjoyment
Mark Lynock will be running 10 marathons in 10 days in May as part of the Brathay Challenge.
Mark is looking for sponsorship at http://www.justgiving.com/Mark-Lynock
Day 10
What a day.
Due to the amount of Stella I have drunk that is all I can say at this moment in time.
I will try and post a full race report soon
Well done Mr Lynock, if I had a hat on I would take it off to you. As I have not I will just say what a terrific achievement and I hope you can savour the moment…
Day 9
number of pints on the route 2
day was the most enjoyable marathon i have ever run, the support was brilliant. after yesterday i had decided that today there would be no negative thoughts at all, today would be about the joy of running and that is exactly what i did. i had the time of my life, even getting absolutely drowned in the last 3 miles just made me smile coz nothing was going to stop me enjoying my running, (for *running* see *shuffle*)
and to add to the whole thing it was again 13out 13in
Well done, Mark – we are all really proud of you, and hope tomorrow’s finale sees 13 out and 13 back in style! You are doing fantastically well and I only wish we could have made it up there to see you x
You are a true gladiator … virtus et honor.
Day 8
Today i woke to the news that a friend had died. so i did 2 things today….
1- i ran the hardest marathon i have ever ran
2- i stopped at mile 20 called into the Stag Inn at Bowness bought a pint of Kronenberg 1664 sat out side in the drizzle and drank it in memory of my friend.
thats about all i have to say about today sorry……..
Thank you to everyone for your well wishes.
Day 7
today was about racing, now i know you are going to to say 5:23…? racing…? but you have to take little victories where you can.
i now know this course off by heart, i know where every bit of litter, roadkill, road sign and rude shaped headge is around the roads, i also know there is a killer hill at 22 miles that i have run up yesterday and today and that i will run up each of the 3 remaining days,
the last drink station is is a 23.5miles and i make myself run no stop from here to the finish it hurts but i figure the it will only hurt till i cross the line, today i clocked the last 3 miles at 9min – 8:24min and 8:30min
not a bad 5k for the end of marathon number 7.
right time for food and a beer.
gazelle-like even 🙂 Well done Mark. You’re a star!
I take my hat off to you Mark (ie. metaphorically speaking). A most worthwhile endeavour for a worthwhile cause,and I anticipate that you will successfully complete your 10 marathons in 10 days.I have never considered you to be fat;`thick set` maybe!
All the very best Barrie Roberts
Great effort mark, well done. You can do it.
Day 6
today i ran hard really hard i ran up alot more of the hills than i have been doing and i took a lot less walk breaks, the only problem is i am so so tired, i think i’m flying along putting in loads of effort but when i look at my garmin it horrifies me at how slow i’m going, i know i keep saying i’m not interested in time but i’m a runner and i can’t help but get drawn into my pace.
today was a big mental breakthrough as i’m now over half way infact as i crossed the line today it took my total milage to 157.2 in 6 days not bad for an old slow fat bloke….?
Day 5
what a differance a day makes, today i felt like i could run forever only problem is any sort of speed is now completly gone and running is losely translated to ploddering anything that is downhill or flat and walking anything that is uphill.
i never set out to do anything other than complete this challenge the time does not interest me at all it is about finishing, even more so now that we are told that in the 5 yrs that this has been run they have always had someone drop out, NOT THIS YEAR. the motto for the group is 13 out 13 back in …….each everyone of us has this on our minds as we start and then finish.
today now takes me to 131miles in 5 days (thats almost in Deano’s league).
Day 4
yesterday was hell. it rained all day i got soaked through and then cold so most of the day was spent plodding along muttering to myself till i finished. i was so drained and tired i could not even bring myself to go out for the sponsors meal, i just took myself bed and slept for 13hrs.
Well done, Mark! Seems to be going to plan – long may it continue!
Day 3
third marathon done in the pouring rain. funny thing is this was the most enjoyable so far. don’t get me wrong is was tough but still enojable. i’m starting to reckonize the landmarks and know what is coming up along the road. so thats 78.6 miles in the bag only 183.4miles to go before sunday afternoon
Day 2
What a difference a day makes. Ran 15minuts slower today
But truly enjoyed every last minute of it.
I’m hoping tomorrow is just as good.
Day 1
after 18 months of talking about it, i final got to the startline today and ran the first marathon. the weather was not good lots of heavy rain showers but also lots of sunny periods.
the plan was to run 25minutes and walk 5minutes which is exactly what i did. the hardest part of the running is the fine line between holding back enough for the on coming days and not letting the fact that you have 9 more to do over whelm you. hopefully i managed this
time for a pint or 2 of Magners and some sleep
well here we go.
1hr to go
i shall let you all know how i get on
Tomorrow I leave for the lakes I’m all packed and ready to go.
And on Friday morning at 10:30 am I start 10 days pf running round lake Windermere.
Can I just say thank you to everyone who has trained and run and helped me over the past 12months in getting to the start line.
And a big thank you to everyone who has donated.
Thank you Paul And Sue for the Donation.
8 days to go now and feeling far to calm and relaxed, work has not enabled me to run this week but i will be back home tomorrow and will take Gus for a run then Saturday will see me running my traditional pre marathon run round Rowheath before Shakespeare Marathon on Sunday.
i hope to see plenty of BvH vests out on the course so anyone else who is running when you pass by give me a nod.
then rest Monday till Thursday before the 1st of the 10 next Friday.
Thank you Mick for the Donation.
5k recovery run today.
I may try out one of these Parkrun’s
Anyone else going to do one today…?
Fantastic 22m run along the JWUltra route today
Not very fast but great confidence run but next week
Thank you Terry for the donation.
Nice little jog round Rowheath last night while
The Gazelle’s did the Rep session
Quick 2mile jog followed by an easy swim at the hotel gym last night
Tapir is starting early I think.
Just Friday’s long run to do this week
Thank you Rob for your donation.
264miles….! It doesn’t sound that far when you say it fast..?
Thank you to Stuart and Paul for your donation today and yesterday.
I am doing my last long run this weekend. Then Shakespeare marathon next week. Then a couple of days of and I will be ready for the 1st of 10 on the Friday
Sponsorships and a new pair of legs would be nice