Club mascot missing

Paul Dugmore is wondering where the club mascot is: Some years ago I had made a Club mascot “rag doll style.” This was done in the club teal colours. I haven’t seen the mascot for some years now.

The last I heard Paul Foot was seen cuddling it in a after race photo, this was about 3 years ago.

Does anybody have the mascot or know to its whereabouts. If and when it appears we could find a place ( in the bar maybe ) and a name for it……

2 Replies to “Club mascot missing”

  1. Thanks to all at BvH for putting on a great show, to the performers, the stage crew, front of house, the caterers, the home supporters, the away supporters, the coaches, the park. But most of all to my mum, who would have loved to come and watch, but she can’t abide running.

  2. The last time I saw the mascot, it was tied to the front of a refuse truck, along with a monkey and a one legged Buzz Lightyear,

    Bin and gone, you might say.