As the cross country season approaches we are keen to give every member the chance to join us for the race season.

If you haven’t taken part in cross country before, the races are not just for the fastest runners in the club, but for every member to have a go, have fun racing and occasionally get a bit muddy!
There are a lot of races over the course of the season, with four league races and a number of local, regional and national championships. All of them are open to every member (except for Master’s relays which are 35 and over), but you don’t have to race every race.

If you’re interested in racing, please fill out this form to let us know which rounds you’re available for and would like to take part in:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the men’s or contact the women’s captains, or drop a message on Facebook. We look forward to racing with you over the coming year!
Helen & Sam