Dave Powner – October 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
Just starting my 10th year now!
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me …
If there’s a good beer on the cask, I’ll have that, please! Quite happy with Atlantic Pale Ale if not.
Favourite racing distance?
I like 10k, but I find that Half Marathon events are more enjoyable.
Favourite race/event?
I’m always regretting signing up for it on the final lap, but the overall experience of the Cross Country Nationals is the most rewarding!
Proudest moment as a runner?
I’ve raced a large range of events from 200m to marathon, but that’s a long term thing rather than a moment, and I’ve not really achieved much in any single event! So my proudest moment came this month, when I became a Level 4 S&C coach.
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
There are so many opportunities to enjoy running, training, success, volunteering, and socialising, that you’ll wish you joined sooner!
Dan Robinson – September 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
I started running during lockdown when the only way you could leave the house was to go shopping or for exercise. As I don’t like shopping, I donned an old pair of trainers and hit the pavement. By 2021, I had caught the running bug, so as soon as restrictions started to ease, I joined BvH.
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me …
Pint of lager, unless I have set a PB and then it’s a glass of prosecco every time!
Favourite racing distance?
I love the full range of distances from 5k all the way up to the marathon. In 2024, I will be running 10Ks in the spring, 5Ks over the summer, half marathons in the autumn and will finish the year with a marathon. All the distances offer a different challenge, and having variety over the year keeps it fresh and interesting.
Favourite race/event?
Berlin and London Marathons, Birmingham 10K and any track events at the University of Birmingham.
Proudest moment as a runner?
The first time I qualified to run for England Masters was pretty special!
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
The friendliest club around with knowledgeable coaches, superb team spirit, great social events and real comradery!
Jonathan Stanforth – August 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
Over the years, I’ve moved about from place to place in the UK, with work commitments, and long before I moved to Billesley with my now wife, I was introduced to running by my brother, who took me to my first Parkrun in Roundhay Park, Leeds. I enjoyed the competition, and my passion for running has stuck with me ever since.
Soon after, in 2016, we relocated to Birmingham, and that’s where my King Heath-affiliated wife brought my attention to the local running clubs. Since my first hill reps session with Bournville Harriers Coach Suz West seven years ago, I’ve never looked back!
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me …
An alcohol-free beer…Would have been a different answer 15 years ago!
Favourite racing distance?
It has varied over the years – When I started out, 10k’s used to be my stock race distance, but nowadays, I prefer the half marathon, favouring endurance, slightly over the speed!
Favourite race/event?
I’ve been lucky enough to attend some great races on my running journey so far, most notably the Boston, London and Chicago Marathons. But when it comes to the favourite, there’s only one winner, and that has to be the Manchester 10k. Passing Old Trafford and the Great Run organisers make it a great atmosphere, and there are always a number of elites to run with (or behind), making it a yearly fixture for me.
Proudest moment as a runner?
Being part of a great all-around club like Bournville Harriers has always motivated me and given me a boost when donning the teal vest, with so many team events to choose from. But, with hopes of qualifying for Boston and coming up a little short at the MK Marathon for a 3:05 qualifying time, the second attempt and first sub-3 hour marathon in Edinburgh is one I’ll never forget.
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
Well, where do I start? It really is a club with character that is all things to all people. Whether you’re interested in socialising at Club Run or looking to improve in the performance-driven sessions, there’s a group for you. So why not give it a go? What have you got to lose?
Rebecca Jones – July 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
I joined in 2016. I’d never done reps before and that first 6 months after joining the club really transformed my running.
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me …
G&T please!
Favourite racing distance?
I’d say half-marathon is probably my favourite. Every distance is challenging in its own way, but I like the balance of speed and endurance you get with a half. But then again, I also love a spring marathon. Nothing beats a 20 mile training run on a crisp winter morning!
Favourite race/event?
I’ve developed a bit of a soft spot Oxford half, having had a good result each of the 3 times I’ve run it.
Proudest moment as a runner?
Crossing the finish line in Manchester for my first marathon in 2017. I totally surpassed the expectations I had when I entered (even running a 6 min half-marathon PB in the first half!). It was a special occasion with my family there and my first race in teal. One of those days when everything just comes together.
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
It really is the most friendly and welcoming place. We’re very lucky to have an amazing group of coaches who give a lot to the Club and, if it’s PBs you’re interested in, the rep sessions are a real game changer.
Jude Glynn – June 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
I’ve been a member of BvH for 12 years now – I joined after the 2011 beginners’ course.
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me …
A Thatchers!
Favourite racing distance?
Possibly the half marathon. It’s a distance you can settle into!
Favourite race/event?
London Marathon … and favourite event (which hopefully will return next year) is Thunder Run.
Proudest moment as a runner?
Proudest moment as a runner was my PB at London in 2021 – the culmination of 20 months training!!
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
One of the best things I ever did! Such a friendly, inclusive club, which took me from an absolute beginner to a marathon runner. Great bunch of people!
Chris Hartley – May 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
I joined the club at the start of May 2022.
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me a…
I’ll have a pint of Guinness please.
Favourite racing distance?
Not sure about my favourite distance. I am fairly new to running so giving it all a go. The distance I have raced the most at is half marathon and have really enjoyed that distance.
Favourite race/event?
I loved the Leafy 10K last year and the Sheffield Half was good fun, especially the long downhill!
Proudest moment as a runner?
My proudest moment would be finishing the Manchester marathon. It ran past my family home and primary school so had a lot of sentimental value too. My family could come out and watch. Thankfully before my pace dropped too much!
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
The club is super friendly and has sessions for all types of runners. Being new to the area and spending the first part of my time in Brum in lockdown, the club has been a great way to meet new people and make some new friends.
Fay Lucas – April 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
18months/2 years
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me a…
Glass of prosecco
Favourite racing distance?
10k, as you can push yourself but it’s over quickly!
Favourite race/event?
I would say my favourite race/event would be the Birmingham 10k/half marathon, as it’s a big local event with great atmosphere and lots of support for BvH runners
Proudest moment as a runner?
Completing my first half marathon in 2019
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
I would tell them about how friendly and encouraging the club is. I would say that the club is filled with some of the most positive, friendly, encouraging and supportive people I’ve ever met. Regardless of how old you are, there will be people your age.
Rob Styles – March 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
I joined off the back of the Beginner’s Course in 2019 (we’re taking signups for this year’s course right now!). So that’s four years now.
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me a…
Oooh, if we’ve just finished a run then I’ll take a tap water with ice. If it’s a social I’ll take a Nanny State please.
Favourite racing distance?
Tricky question. I really like half-marathon as a distance, but… I also really enjoy a 5K.
Favourite race/event?
The atmosphere at Great North Run is pretty hard to beat, but my half-marathon PB was at Cambridge and that was a great race.
Proudest moment as a runner?
I definitely can’t/won’t pick just one moment! The 5K event at the end of the beginners course?
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
BvH is such a supportive club, lots of excellent coaching and always friendly faces for a club run or reps session. I wouldn’t have developed my running this far without the support and encouragement of so many members. Team Teal is just the best.
David Bristoll – February 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
I was a member a long time ago, around 9 years ago, but due to work and life in general, I lost focus on my running, leaving the club. I re-joined in November 2021.
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me a…
Usually a Becks Blue, unless it’s on a weekend
Favourite racing distance?
Tough one! It had always been the HM, but I’ve really enjoyed the XC season, so probably 10km now. Ask me next month though and you might get a different answer!
Favourite race/event?
I’ve enjoyed most of the races I’ve done, many for different reasons. I have two favourites though.
One is the Birmingham Half. It’s awesome because of how big the event is and how much support we get all around the route, particularly through Bournville!
The other is the XC National race (which I completed for the first time this year). The whole day is fun and really brings the attending members together. The race itself (this year at least) felt huge with a very wide start, lined with thousands of runners. It looked like a scene from from Braveheart and felt incredible too!
Proudest moment as a runner?
Every runner has their firsts, 5km to marathon and beyond. Completing (well, dragging myself around) a 40 mile ultra felt pretty special! Running used to be a solo sport for me, but I feel it’s more of a community sport now and I felt most proud winning the Male Team Member of the Year award at the Tealies.
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
The first thing would be / is how friendly and helpful everybody is. Anybody can join and find people who run at a similar pace and who they’ll have things in common with. The second is how much they can get out of being a member. Not only excellent value for money in terms or race discounts and free entries, but top-quality group coaching, team motivation and regular running sessions.
Shangxi Wen – January 2023

How long have you been a member of BvH?
About 9 months, since 13/5/2022
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me a…
A pint of ale, any brand, but it is less likely you will see me there, since one of my new year’s resolutions is: I will not drink until my new business starts making money
Favourite racing distance?
Half marathon
Proudest moment as a runner?
When I first time finished a half marathon in 2 hours; that was also the first time I took part in a race in our teal vest. It was in June, last year, Redditch Half Marathon.
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
They are very friendly, you will have lots of encouragement there, you will run with plenty of company, you will run faster and more, and you will make friends there, loads.