Jude Glynn – October 2021
Quite the October for Jude Glynn – representing the club in Midland and National Road Relays, Cross Country Relays, Age Category win in the NICE 10k, and a PB at the London Marathon nabbing a club age category record. A hard earned October Member of the Month!

How long have you been a member of BvH?
I joined BVH after the 2011 Beginners’ Course so I’ve been a member for over a decade now!
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me a…
Favourite racing distance?
… hmm…. I’m not convinced I have a favourite -I just love a good race!
Favourite race/event?
… so many to choose from ! Probably Thunder Run although London Marathon, Kenilworth Half & the Action Heart Tuff Un rate highly !
Proudest moment as a runner?
Crossing the finish line of last year’s London Marathon having absolutely smashed it ! Those twenty months of training actually paid off!! Being awarded Club Member of the Year is right up there too though.
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
Totally awesome club full of awesome people who I am privileged to train and race with and have as friends. The most inclusive club I’ve come across .
How did you keep fit and motivated during the lockdown period?
I ran every day in lockdown and stayed motivated with some virtual events – (not) parkrun, virtual WRRL as well as club events
Lorna Al-Ani – May 2021

Lorna has coached her group throughout the lockdown period, and returned to racing with great performances in more than one ultra marathon this spring! Here are Lorna’s reponses to our Member of the Month questions.
How long have you been a member of BvH?
Since July 2017
If you see me in the Pavilion Bar, you can buy me a…
I’ve taken to drinking fruit ciders lately, convincing myself it’s good hydration!!
Favourite racing distance?
Anything ultra and on trail!
Favourite race/event?
That’s tricky, I’ve done quite a lot now and they’ve started to blur! I recently did the Backyard Ultra 12-hour race with Guy Marston and Simeon Whiting. Despite the rain and mud, I enjoyed the challenge and the different format to ‘normal’ races.
Proudest moment as a runner?
Anytime I’m wearing a teal vest and the Teal Army are cheering you on as you run past – so cross country, road relays and Birmingham Half Marathon have made me a proud tealster. BvH know how to do support!
If you were trying to entice someone into joining BvH, what would you tell them about the club?
Do it! You will always receive a warm welcome, renewed motivation for running and some amazing running buddies to inspire you and to share experiences with.
How have you kept fit and motivated during the lockdown period?
Running for me has always been more than just keeping fit, it keeps me positive and happy. So, if I don’t do it, I start to feel a little out-of-sorts. During lockdown, it was one of the few freedoms that we didn’t lose and I was so grateful. When we had to stay local, I used the time to explore new routes and enjoy some time out of the house. BvH were great too. We all stayed connected online with virtual events and motivation. It just shows what a fantastic club this is!
Kristy Mabbett – January 2021

How long have you been a member of Bvharriers?
Almost 3 years, I joined from the Beginners’ Course in 2018.
If you see me at the Pavilion bar you can buy me a. ………………..
Raspberry gin with Lemonade and lots of ice!
Favourite racing distance?
Favourite race/event?
Worcester 10k-this was the first 10K I ever ran. I went with Jon, Ian, Ruth and Michelle who I’d met on the Beginners’ Course and it was one of the most fun days out I’ve ever had. We ran it again in 2019, and even though we had to miss 2020 for obvious reasons, I’m hoping we can all go together again this year.
Proudest moment as a runner?
Winning the 4x4x4 relay with Legalicious (still hoping for Xenofon to paint a mural of us on the wall of the changing rooms!!)
If you were trying to entice someone into joining Bvharriers what would you tell them about the club?
You’ll meet some lovely people who will change your life!