We’ll have more information soon but here’s the guide to this year’s Grand Prix.
Download the Grand Prix 2012 guide (PDF).
Performance – Participation – Encouragement – Enjoyment
We’ll have more information soon but here’s the guide to this year’s Grand Prix.
Download the Grand Prix 2012 guide (PDF).
Apart from saying, I’m saying nowt!… I’m saying nowt!
Today is 23rd November,and it is getting very near to the end of Grand Prix 2012.Congratulations to all those who have completed 8 races ie.7 men and 1 lady to date.With a Membershipof 200 approx. these statistics/facts suggest that a new format/Grand Prix `design` may be required for the future if it is to be seen and perceived as a BvH Club Event. Either `we` consider scrapping it (it involves much hard work by those involved,and they deserve our thanks) or we do something else which attracts greater participation. Lots of running Clubs have a Grand Prix and they can be successful.
Barrie Roberts
Sounds like perfect preperation to me, Ed. If you want a lift tomorrow then give me a bell – 07702053357.
And not forgetting the completely pointless* race 2 of the worcs mid week series, a 12km multi terrain at Arrow valley country park, Redditch, wed 13th June start, 7:30 £4 entry on day… Perhaps or also perhaps not, perfect preparation for rowheath 5k and for those doing the Tour
*Feel free to correct me
Dates for the BRAT/Rowheath 5k summer series are now available:-
Three 5k road races organised by BRAT as part of the Warwickshire Road Race League and Warwickshire County AA 5km Road Championship will take place on:
Thursday 14 June
Thursday 19 July
Thursday 16 August
Races start at 7.45pm (registration from 6.30pm) the Entry Fee is as little as £3 per race
These are all part of the BvH grand prix series