Tour Day 5 and Final Results!

The 20th Anniversary Tour of Bournville came to a climax today, with the 5k event. Well done to all who raced this demanding route! The day’s results are below:

Congratualtions to all our daily race winners, Alison Price, Dan Robinson, Kathryn Holliday, James Ashley, Sara Hewison, Kyle Long, and Jude Glynn!

Overall results

The Tour is all about completing 5 races in 5 days, so big kudos to those who got through the lot! Overall results below:

Congratulations to 3rd placed Jon Mould and Anna McManus, 2nd placed Sean Rose and Suz West, and huge congratulations to our overall winners Jude Glynn and Dan Robinson!

Massive thanks to all who helped make this event what it is – all the marshals throughout the week, Linda Goulding for all her work on the timing, Corina for the vest design, and Claire Daniels for getting them made. Suzanne Bunn for the fabulous photos, plus Charlie Hurd and Between The Buns for the fabulous food, Above all, thanks to Rachel and Sue Ward for making it all happen!