Once again we have managed to secure 12 free places (six men, six women) in the London 10,000 on 25th May 2020 as we have taken part in the Road Relays: https://www.vitalitylondon10000.co.uk
These places are offered in the first instance to anyone who ran for the club in any of the Road Relays last year and is still a club member. In the likely event of over-subscription, priority will be given to those who represented the club in the greater number of events.
This is a great event taking in some of the famous sights in Central London on a fast 10km course. The club places are free but you do have to get yourself down to London on a Bank Holiday, so please factor this in to your decision before expressing an interest. If you’d like to be considered please comment on the post in the Club Facebook Group or email Jude Glynn.
Thanks to Jude for organising this!