Congratulations to all who took part in the Pyjama Pursuit! The 5km club members only race is fast becoming a favourite fixture in the festive calendar, with start times based on your season’s best 5km or parkrun time. The weather was kind, staying dry for the race in Bournville, with mild temperatures that were only perhaps a little bit warm for running in nightwear. This year’s winner was Claire Daniels, with the Pyjama prize going to Ian Reynolds.
The Winners:

1st Claire Daniels
2nd Tom Robinson
3rd Charlie Hurd
4th Lisa Thompson
5th Rob Styles
6th Steve Martin
Best Dressed: Ian Reynolds
Spot prizes to: Miriam Stevens, Chris Hamlett, Umar Ahmed, Jude Glynn, Mike Woodall, Michaela Thompson, Dave Powner and Wendy Badger.

Many thanks to Race Director, Sue Ward and her helpers Dave Powner and Kristy Mabbett, for organising yet another terrific event especially at this busy time of year.