Notice to members – Covid-19 (Coronavirus) 24th March 2020

The guidance from England Athletics regarding Coronavirus has been updated today (24th March 2020) extending the suspension of club activities until 31st May 2020 and confirming the impact to athletes of the latest Government rules. Click here to read the England Athletics statement. The new rules restrict us from leaving the home for all but a few exceptions, however, it is permissable to take exercise once a day alone (or with those you live with) providing you have no symptoms and take care to maintain a safe distance from others. Whilst no explicit rule has been given on the duration of this exercise, it is suggested that it should not exceed your usual activity.

Club members are requested to try to avoid busy areas and times, looking ahead for other pedestrians and crossing roads or slowing down if necessary to maintain a safe distance from others (at least 2 metres). If running with a member of your own household please do not take up space on paths and pavements that prevents other pedestrians from maintaining a safe distance and as always please be mindful of others who share our space.

It is also worth remembering the general advice in relation to safer running which applies at all times, and can be found here: In particular consider the following:

  • although the evenings are getting lighter, remember to wear high-vis clothing especially around dusk when light conditions can change rapidly
  • have your in case of emergency (ICE) details available (e.g. on a wristband), including any medical conditions
  • if possible, let someone know where you’re going and how long you are likely to be out and consider taking a small amount of cash and a mobile phone with you
  • the traffic may be quieter than usual, but please continue to be vigilant when crossing roads

Along with other members of the wider running fraternity we have a shared responsibility to prioritise the health of our local communities by following the Government guidelines. By demonstrating our commitment to this we will also ensure that we can get back to training and racing together as soon as possible.