Club Announcements – Monday 6th April 2020

The latest club announcements, including the latest Member of the Month is live on our YouTube channel, ‘Teal TV’ with Club Chairperson Rhian Littlewood: Click here for this week’s announcements.

This week’s session is from Lorna Al-Ani, a pyramid speed session. Choose one of your flatter running routes and use the first mile or so as a warm up. Then run the following intervals (in minutes) with 1 minute recovery in between. The only exception is at the top of the pyramid (between 4 and 4) where there is 2 minutes recovery.
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
The intervals should be at around 5k pace or just slightly faster. Use another mile as a jog recovery at the end.

As always the session should be performed alone following all the advice regarding social distancing, and if you are running with a member of your household please be mindful of leaving space for other pedestrians using the paths or parks. Do not run if you are feeling at all unwell.

In addition to the running sessions, the coaching team have been providing a weekly strength and conditioning routine that can be performed at home. Last week’s session from Ali Price is a 30 exercise circuit, each exercise should be completed for either 30, 45 or 60 seconds with a 30s recovery between each. Complete the circuit twice for a full session. Please take care when performing the exercises and substitute any exercise that you cannot perform safely at home.

Press Ups – Burpees – Plank – Sit Ups – Box Jumps – Jab & Cross – Weighted Twist – Pull Ups – Squats – Step Ups – Skip – Star Jump – Elbow to Knees – Single arm raises (left) – Single arm raises (right) – Lunges – Shuttles – Plank (alternate forearm to hand) – Single leg dips (left) – Single leg dips (right) – Seated dips – Floor Cross overs (opposite foot to opposite hand) – Bicycle – Dorsal Raises – Crunches – Russian Twist – Single leg raises (left) – Single leg raises (right) – Side plank (left) – Side plank (right)

Stay safe Team Teal and keep sharing what you are up to – stay connected to your fellow Harriers on our social channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram